☑️Day02 of #90DaysOfDevOps

☑️Day02 of #90DaysOfDevOps

Hello everyone! Today is Day02 of my #90DaysOfDevOps challenge.

In today’s blog, we are going through some Linux commands and their uses. This basic commands are prerequisites for anyone who is eager to learn DevOps. A DevOps Engineer use Linux Operating System for navigating and managing files withing the Linux Environment. That’s why Linux play a vital role in DevOps.

Lets get started.

🤔What is Linux.?

Linux is an Operating System which is used to control everything on your computer like any other operating system like Mac, Windows. Linux is Free and Open-Source Operating System which comes in various flavors like Ubuntu, CentOS and Fedora. Linux is most secure and It releases new versions twice a year, in April and October.

5 Linux Command Every DevOps Beginner Should Know

  1. Listing the Files and Directory: ls is one of the most fundamental command in Linux. It is used to list the files and folders within a directory.. This command helps users see the contents of their current working directory.


  1. Make a Directory (folder): The mkdir command is used to create a directory.

     mkdir directoryName

  2. Change the current directory: The cd command is used to move between directories (folders).

  • For example: cd folder1/

      cd directory/

  1. Print Working Directory: The pwd command helps you find out your current directory. It's handy for knowing exactly where you are in the file system.

  1. Remove Files: The rm command helps you remove or delete files. It permanently deletes the specified file. By default, rm only removes files, but with additional options like rm -f, it can also remove directories.

     rm fileName
     rm -r folderName

In this guide, we’ve covered some fundamental Linux commands that will help you navigate and manage your files with ease🌟

Stay tuned for more insights as I continue my #90DayOfDevOps challenges. If you have any questions or tips, feel free to share them in the comments. Let’s keep learning and growing together! 🚀